Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all MODs at ZettaMODs are free to use. We do not charge for any downloads on our website. It's up to you if you want to reward the creator of the MOD with a donation.
Each MOD has it's own installation guide. The MOD creator usually explains it in the description of the MOD, so we suggest that you read the description before you install the MOD.
Yes, everyone can contribute to our database. All you need to do is register and submit your MOD using the add-mod section. Our moderators will test your MOD and if there are no bugs and viruses your MOD will be live on our website.
Briliant, we love to hear that you are still contributing to your submitted MODs. You can submit your new version by going into your profile, choosing the MOD and selecting "add new version". Just will in the form and your new version will be live!
We encourage you to keep your contributions on our website as long as they are not outdated, but if for some reason you really want to remove your MODs from ZettaMODs you can do so by selecting the MOD and clicking "Remove MOD" from your user panel. We highly suggest that you contact us with the exact reason why you want to remove your MODs from our website before you do it.
If you belive that there is a missing category while adding a MOD for some of the available games on our website, you should contact us and we will add it as soon as possible.
In case you created a MOD for a game that is not on our website and you want to distribute it using ZettaMODs feel free to contact us and we will consider adding the game that you have worked on if we belive that there is enough audience for it.